I remember this game being a lot harder than it was but that is the same with all games from you childhood you replay you find out how easy it is but in some unfortunate cases (most n64 game) the controls are horrible and they are even harder than when you played it as a kid. Biggest thing I remember from when I was a kid was the butcher which is the first boss and how it was an epic fight of swords, shields, magic and heaps and heaps of potions; but instead i used maybe 1 full potion which I may not of even needed to use! I also remember that one in every two restarts of the game you could get the poisoned well, that allowed you to go to an extra area. There may also be some other things like this in lower levels so you could get some re-playability out of the game back then if you did beat the game or like me was too noob to get past level 5-10 so you restarted the game with a new character.
After about 1 hour of playing I was up to my dreaded stretch of level 5-10 this was where the history of Diablo is told though some books with the main character doing the voice over he talks about the 'sin war' and the 'Horadrim mages', if you want to learn about these more before you play Diablo 3 you should there is a Diablo wiki out there so you can catch up on what happened and also about the history. On my last level of the the 5-10 levels of Diablo I came across this mage who did not want to be disturbed so I instinctively save my games and disturbed him and got in a big fight DO NOT DISTURB him he spanks your ass good he can teleport whenever you get close to him and has long ranged spells i probably could of beaten him if I had more potions and if I bothered to dodge his spell but when you pick the warrior there is nothing more fun than running straight.
Now I am getting closer to the core of Earth and for the rest of this review you will have to wait till the next slice of kris also with extra kris sauce.
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