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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Heroes Might and Magic VI; Dead or alive we are all gullible

History of Heroes of Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic VI is the latest in the series that has had a lot of changes since it's origin with the might and magic role playing game, who's lore then lead into the Heroes series which is mix of strategy and rpg which is gives it extremely long game time. The IP it's self has been past from developer to developer keeping the same formula yet sometimes missing what made the series really great first was The new world company which was owned by 3DO which was what THQ is today makes pretty much anything until the forth title. These were very unique games each progressively improving on gameplay and the formula until heroes and Might and Magic 3 which is the best Heroes game made being both balanced and expansive with choice. Then the entire series went into decline with the 4th game with a bankrupting company disappointing the cult of fans. Ubisoft then bought the IP for 1.5 million dollars comparing that to the worth of Call of Duty is chump change.

Under new management
Ubisoft's first crack at the series showed how much trouble this series is to make as it is hard to balance and keep the game enjoyable the game still managed to get 2 expansions showing that the love for the game was still there but still had not reached the same caliber as Heroes 3. Now Heroes 6 is out by a new developer under Ubisoft's Black Hole Studio a dreadful name for a studio cause it seems like where thing go to end but this Heroes game seems to be able to compete with Heroes 3 with the improvements out weighing the things that are missing from the game. I know that this history was a little long winded and I have left out all the backstory's and other similar games inspired by this game might make a full history of post when I have more time to research.

yes this is not my picture but it is a really good one of all the Griffin kids and their dead dad

Heroes and Might and Magic 6 is set in a world with orcs, elves, demons, and the undead like you would expect a fantasy game to have with heroes leading and army against other nations in all out war, with as the general controlling your economics, armies and alliances (although alliances can only be made at the start of the match if play against humans alliances can easily be made if only temporarily). The army verse army battles can show intense skill from not losing any men to winning a battle against the odds, are incredibly rewarding picking the precise spell combination to shatter your opponents strengths and turn them to a weakness. As above I have said this is a Strategy RPG this is because as your hero improves so does the army he wields with unique skill tree giving numerous options for your unique taste the strategy comes in with the combat and even manoeuvring your armies so that you can catch your enemies off guard or to fight on your terms and management of unit production and construction so that you benefit the most.

Dead dragons cannot wait for alive ones

The story in this game is hard to review as each campaign is 4 parts and each  part take about 4-8 hours to beat I am 50 hours of gameplay in still have no gotten halfway through all the campaigns. I recommend that you beat the tutorial campaign as it gives you all the backstory for the entire game I have beaten the Undead campaign and am halfway through the Haven campaign which are the humans and after beating the Undead campaign first it spoiled some of the story of the haven when they intertwined. The base gist of story is the duke of Griffin had four children then his wife left to find her brother, then the bind twins predicted the return of the demons in the great eclipse the emperor ordered the duke of Griffin and the duke of Wolves to stop fighting ordering a wife for the other then 3 years later 3 months before the great eclipse the dukes fight again. Then the duke of Griffin's daughter kills him which sets off the entire plot about who is the true mastermind behind the return of demons and manipulation of minds to kill people I will explain the in deep the story line with lots of spoiler because I have a good feeling none of you will play this game.

The graphics in this game are not super awesome graphics but they will not make your vomit that is about nice short segment right.

This what the battles looks like

Final Words
This is not a game many people will like but if you like Risk and Dungeons and Dragons mixed together you might like this game but if you do buy it do not get it for the campaign or single player get it so you a and a group of friend can sit down one night and play 8 hours or more on one map trying to beat each other to a pulp. If you do get together to do this make sure you also have other games to play as some people may get eliminated very quickly and people tend to take 20 minutes to do their move times that by 6 people you get the drift. Have not found a new game to review but when I do I will but I do have some smaller games I bought over the Christmas break to fill this gap until my next bigger game buy until next time Slice of Kris out.

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