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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

PAX Main 2011

Halo some more of the same them saying yes we are making new trilogy and will still support halo 3 and reach.
Counter strike GO (golbal offense) cross platform play(really intrests me) reveal trailer. Valve will remake counterstrike but not bring out episode 3 also new buy system and 'updated graphics' if you could call it that but it is see being polished so i assume they will make it look a little better and make the hands actually hold the nades and Molotov .
skyrim dlc will be exclusive for 30 days on xbox when it comes out before it comes out on ps3 and pc
Quantum game made by one of the  creaters of portal pretty cool puzzle game.
Bioshock infinte main character scripted talking looks really cool and might make me forget how bad bioshock 2 was.
Boarderlands 2 more variety and better locations with more colour not just desert 100% of the time.
Operation Racoon city (looks like a lot of fun)
Dead rising 2 off the record story follows char from first game frank west leaderboard sandbox mode challanges new wepons october 11 full shelf not dlc plus cheaper.

I could go more into this but been feeling a little under the weather so i cannot be bother atm but this was most of the stuff that happened at PAX now here is the PAX 10 indie games of this year played some of them not all of them may review some of them if i play them and enjoyed them.

PAX 10
1.Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix And Her Nightmare; Website:
2.A Flipping Good Time; Website:
3.Antichamber; Website:
4.Atom Zombie Smasher; Website:
5.Fez; Website:
6.Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony; Website:
7.Snapshot; Website:
8.Solar 2; Website:
9.The Splatters; Website:
10.Word Fighter; Website:
the numbers mean nothing it just the original order i heard about them.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

new tv series Chemistry

Straight away the title is not really misleading but it has nothing to do with the science type of chemistry this is pure and simple another bunch of 18-24 year old target audience gooie lovlie dovie thing.

This is all i can review of this show as i did not have the stomach to take much more luckily for me it was not just that the episode i download from the webs the audio was completely de-synced by i do know several minutes. But from the 1 min of audio i heard while not realizing that it was not some smart silent car crash while people talked about some girl presumably main characters of this show. there were two guys talking to a girl who was their client who was talking about how she has a sex dream or something i was not fully paying attention as i realized that audio was out sync and stooped watching and listening.

To some up chemistry = love not science till next time blog readers i am Kris and this is my slice of the world

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Metro 2033 Sale

If you follow this blog i am just letting you know Metro 2033 is 75% off on steam it is a daily sale so will be out of sale soon. This is a very graphic intensive game so if you do not have 2008+ year graphic's card you will not be able to run this well you may be able to run it on lowest but the experience would not be worth it even slightly worth it as this game was the first direct x 11 full support game to show off it's graphical potential.

             Quick review of it good!
Little bit more detail fine, set in the post apocalyptic Russia in the underground rail system called Metro 2033 hence name there are some radioactive creatures trying to kill off the last of the people in the metro. It follows the silent main character as he goes into the secrets of the Metro and the outside world as he travels from metro station to station.

This is all i got cause i have not played the game much as i was not really hugely interested when i got the game in a THQ pack. Which i recommend getting over buying it now w8 till Christmas steam sales when it will be 50$ for entire THQ pack which includes a lot of good games like the 40k space marine.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Borderlands also some LoL updates upcoming stuff

So Borderlands is on sale today so if you have not played this game yet or just been living under a rock for the past 5 years now is your best time to buy it 7.50 USD. Also get the game of the year edition as it comes with all the dlc for free cause it cost same as the non game of the year edition.

LoL has just updated it's client to prepare for it's pre-season 2 update they reworked the games showing of kills as well as overall stats screen. Next they changed the store to look more streamline lastly they remade the home page to show videos uploaded by riot and also made it have a blank space where the friends list goes when you open it up.

Now for more personal news i will not be posting for a little while till i can finish playing Dues ex Human Revolution so i can write a review of it. Also i have got a few university things to do like mid semester exams and assignments although if i play something or watch something interesting i will post a review here. Pax prime starts tomorrow so i might post something about that but i do not think much will be revealed there maybe some updates about games already announced but nothing really new. Only thing i can say for sure about PAX is that they will have upcoming indie games being shown there so that will be what i most likely will be posting about.

Till next time blog readers and i hope you enjoyed this Slice of Kris.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Bastion review Part 2

I am writing this now instead of later cause of a huge LoL update taking forever.

During the game you can build 6 buildings Forge, Arsenal, Distillery, Lost and  Found, Shrine and Memorial. Each of these do something different Forge allows you to improve your items by combining items you find on your travels with shard points that you get from beating enemies of destroying objects. Arsenal allows you to change your weapons and Secret Skill as well as refill your potions, Distillery allows you to give yourself a passive bonus you can have one more bonus each time you level up. Lost and Found displays various skill drinks scrap parts and god shrine spirits. Shrine allows you to make the game harder in return you gain extra exp and spirit points, Lastly Memorial which gives you rewards for doing certain achievements.

Throughout the game there are several bosses usually at the end of each level as well as vs a lot of them in the some place world. Which you go to through three items a bed roll, pipe and a pot of food each one of them tells a story of one of the main characters past. You can also do master challenges that give scrap and skill for beating them quickly and correctly there is one for each weapon. once you beat the game it give you a choice to either reset the world of continue the world they both give a different ending so i recommend doing them both before you stop playin. Then you can play the game again on new game plus i have not beaten new game plus yet so i do not know all the differences but main one would be you start with all you stats and items from your last game.

Hope you enjoyed the second part of this review sorry it took me so long to release it.

1000th LoL win

As a lot of you would not know I recently got to 1000 normal wins on my LoL account summoner name Captain Kris I did record two games that could of been my 1000 win this was because I lost my first game but that was half expected.  You can watch these games on my livestream account for some reason my mic was very soft but you can hear my friends fine one of their summoner names are Rouge assassin and the other is bhavir. I also got some people who did not get in the voice chat who played with me alas still a good time was had I recommend watching the second half of the video as in the second match as we win and I play a lot better not that I played badly in the first game.
I hope you enjoy this video and this slice of Kris

Rest of Bastion review will be out soon do not worry just hard to post on Tuesday and Wednesday as i am at uni all day long and to tired to post when i get back home

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Bastion review Part 1 and LoL, DotA 2 tournament results

Ok first of before i start on the Bastion review i am going to post the results from the LoL and DotA 2 tournament. I did not watch the games as the time difference was hard to deal with but i did watch some of the matches so without more idol chat here are the results.

For LoL

  • 1st Place: Counter Logic Gaming
  • 2nd Place: Team SoloMid
  • 3rd Place: FnaticMSI

For DotA

  • 1st Place: Na'Vi (Ukraine)
  • 2nd Place Ehome (China)
  • 3rd Place Scythe.SG (Singapore)
Ok now that is out of the way Bastion review.

Bastion is an indie game that was brought out this summer for 15USD on steam and some amount of Microsoft points on XBLA, made by the developers Supergiant games this is their first project of hopefully many more to come. Most of these the people who coded the game Bastion have broken off the the big guys cause they wanted to make their own games so like most indie games it was made by 5-10 people in someones basement.

Bastion is your basic Diablo feel RPG you see monsters you click on them they die, this is not the draw of the game the draw of the game is the story telling of the game as you play it. This is done by having a person tell the story like you would to someone seeing nothing and the game is your imagination of what he is telling at you at least that is how i feel it was. There are three acts to this game The Bastion, The Wild and The ura in each act you find new enemies new skills and new weapons they also have a place called the forge where you can upgrade your weapon with more power. 

Now for my personal experience in the game straight away i run off the edge to see if i could and the narrator made a joke about that was the moment i knew it was going to be a good game. So i got myself a hammer and started whacking stuff then my first enemy appeared was some weird looking slug and it died in one hit it was not satisfying. Then i went into a bar and picked up some repeater crossbow that was even worse than the hammer but it was ranged never the less you can guess i did not use it much. Finally i got to my home base the bastion and they gave me the ability to build things to shape my small town with one friend.

This post is getting a little long i will post part 2 of my review tomorrow or the next day either way very soon.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Gamescom part 2

So here we go part two of my Gamescom coverage, i will be talking about Boarderland 2 and that is about it because well turns out there was not much more new content released.

Boarderlands 2 will have 4 new playable characters and your unable to play the previous 4 but do not be discouraged as they will be npc and may or may not help you with some missions or they will just give out quests like normal npc's. We also know something about the storyline it is going to be about killing some jerk so the story is going to be about the journey to kill the jerk which can be used easy to create back-story to the characters your playing which they did not do in the first but they did talk about the back-story of some of the characters.

I will be telling you who won both the dota 2 and the LoL competition in my next post as well as posting a review of Bastion. Till next time as always this is a slice of kris.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Gamescom part 1

As you should know Gamescom started and already there has been a lot of obvious things churning out of it right before Gamecom maybe 2-3 days valve announced that they will be holding 1 million prize to winning team of the dota 2 tournament. So at 10am in Germany that started off and i deiced to watch the first match to see what i will eventually wasting my money on from what i could see of the 'beta' the UI has a lot of flexibly for change i am hoping this is user controlled change not preset and fixed so i could move where skills are stats are and etc. they also had some screen shots which showed that it will have a tf2 like artstyle with being very stylized yet still having the aura of realism about it.

Next League of Legends is going to be there hosting a small competition i am hoping they also show more their new map Dominion there so that we can have more of a feel of how that map is going to be played and how the "objective" play comes into the mix.

They also showed more of BF3 MW3 and DD3[drakes deception] (i mean uncharted 3) in which they showed that BF3 will be like it should be huge maps lots of vehicles and mass destruction. MW3 showed some of it's spec ops survival maps. Uncharted 3 showed drake fighting thugs on a plain and then climbing on the outside of the plain as it was flying.

I expect soon there will be Boarderlands 2 trailers and diablo 3 trailers and maybe some other goodies as we go.

Of course even though they are not my most fav things to talk about i should mention there was a bunch of games announced for psp vita and more Assassin creed revelations stuff (still no idea why it is not called assassin creed 4).

Hope you enjoyed this i will be posting the second half of gamescom when gamescom ends.

This is a slice of Kris

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Quake-steam sale: Fallout New Vegas review

Got Fallout New Vegas in the quake-steam sale this weekend past and have played a bit of it on my day off from uni and whatever else is happening in my life, at first look it is the same as Fallout 3. Then u notice that there is a mod system which they could of explained how to use a little better but then again they do have a notes section of everything in your pipboy so u can just look it up there.

As i kept playing i grew to level 2 and got my first perk and did not have a huge look through whole list as you get it every level right... wrong every second level so you have to take a step back and think about what you want in the way of perks from the get go. Luckily unlike Fallout 3 they do not have 10 new perks being released every two levels so the list of perks is severally short compared to Fallout 3 which i see has a good thing as it took me a good 20 min to read them all in Fallout 3.

New character system allowing let your companions who follow you carry stuff and let me tell you i was out of capacity almost 100% so this was great thing for me who just continuously picks up everything just for a few extra caps. Which leads me to my next thing and start with things that i did not enjoy in the first 5 or so hours played i had over 3000 caps before i even got to level 6 out of the 50 levels u can get to so i had no troubles buying anything i wanted when i wanted.

Core gameplay wise shooting is as easy as in any first person shooter get headshots get kills V.A.T.S is as easymode cheat mode and completely stupid as always by this i mean if u aim at the head your not always going to miss to the side or above his head some bullets would hit the body with a miss. You cannot jump over anything that is greater than a foot off the ground luring enermies into another area with an smg out they have lag time moment entering new area so you can spray kill them easily. Weird new town group like hate system even more annoying when to help town u start in you have to make one of them hate you from the start, then when you clear out a complex full of them if u take anything it is "stealing" so u  lose karma (pissed me off so much).

Last notes on the game found a magnum called "lucky" really early on so i could kill most people in one headshot with sneak and two non-sneak made game kind of boring needing 55 science to save the ghouls and get good karma or kill ghouls to get bad karma was annoying cause i put stuff in other points. You can make bullets and items was kind of annoying as it was hard to read the entire list of stuff you can make and parts you needed. That is about all i got cannot say to much on if the storyline is good or not as i have not beaten the game yet as far as i can tell it is more of a forcing you to go to place to place.

MFW you have to walk everywhere the speed of a snail garrrrhhhhh

This is a slice of Kris

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Things that i like!

First off sorry that i have not posted in a week just been doing stuff.

now to the topic of the day things that i like.
The biggest thing i look for when play, watch or read anything is potential  by this i mean how can this be extended what are the best and most logical conclusion e.g when movies go past the base concept and go on to what happens next. (with zombies would be the reformation of society and returning to normal after the climax.

Next i like shows with original premise even if they are dreadful made e.g pan's labyrinth(on the turn of coin i hate movies like mega shark vs super squid or whatever it is called)

I enjoy open world rpgs like elderscrolls just cause it give me free will to do what i want i do not like be limited (like how you are limited in games like well a lot of action adventure games where you do not even look for secrets(gooed example would have to be CoD far to linear storyline))

Finally i enjoy DC comics over marvel just because Stan Lee is great at coming up with new and interesting superhero premises but sucks at long-term story unlike DC where they are good at coming up with interesting plots and back-story's.

Out of anime and manga i tend to be drawn towards shounen like things but none of them make me want to read the manga on most cases as they are fairly dull and a lot of them do not get renewed for a second season this is again because of my first point of being attracted to things that have potential .

Well i guess this kinda makes up for a weeks break but not really i will try to post here more often but hey i am a lasy person who enjoys procrastination so when assignments and exam study start stacking up that is when i will  be posting here more as it will be good procrastination.

Slice of kris
btw my livestream is and i will be streaming on it on occasion.