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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

PAX Main 2011

Halo some more of the same them saying yes we are making new trilogy and will still support halo 3 and reach.
Counter strike GO (golbal offense) cross platform play(really intrests me) reveal trailer. Valve will remake counterstrike but not bring out episode 3 also new buy system and 'updated graphics' if you could call it that but it is see being polished so i assume they will make it look a little better and make the hands actually hold the nades and Molotov .
skyrim dlc will be exclusive for 30 days on xbox when it comes out before it comes out on ps3 and pc
Quantum game made by one of the  creaters of portal pretty cool puzzle game.
Bioshock infinte main character scripted talking looks really cool and might make me forget how bad bioshock 2 was.
Boarderlands 2 more variety and better locations with more colour not just desert 100% of the time.
Operation Racoon city (looks like a lot of fun)
Dead rising 2 off the record story follows char from first game frank west leaderboard sandbox mode challanges new wepons october 11 full shelf not dlc plus cheaper.

I could go more into this but been feeling a little under the weather so i cannot be bother atm but this was most of the stuff that happened at PAX now here is the PAX 10 indie games of this year played some of them not all of them may review some of them if i play them and enjoyed them.

PAX 10
1.Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix And Her Nightmare; Website:
2.A Flipping Good Time; Website:
3.Antichamber; Website:
4.Atom Zombie Smasher; Website:
5.Fez; Website:
6.Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony; Website:
7.Snapshot; Website:
8.Solar 2; Website:
9.The Splatters; Website:
10.Word Fighter; Website:
the numbers mean nothing it just the original order i heard about them.

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