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Saturday, 6 August 2011

Things that i like!

First off sorry that i have not posted in a week just been doing stuff.

now to the topic of the day things that i like.
The biggest thing i look for when play, watch or read anything is potential  by this i mean how can this be extended what are the best and most logical conclusion e.g when movies go past the base concept and go on to what happens next. (with zombies would be the reformation of society and returning to normal after the climax.

Next i like shows with original premise even if they are dreadful made e.g pan's labyrinth(on the turn of coin i hate movies like mega shark vs super squid or whatever it is called)

I enjoy open world rpgs like elderscrolls just cause it give me free will to do what i want i do not like be limited (like how you are limited in games like well a lot of action adventure games where you do not even look for secrets(gooed example would have to be CoD far to linear storyline))

Finally i enjoy DC comics over marvel just because Stan Lee is great at coming up with new and interesting superhero premises but sucks at long-term story unlike DC where they are good at coming up with interesting plots and back-story's.

Out of anime and manga i tend to be drawn towards shounen like things but none of them make me want to read the manga on most cases as they are fairly dull and a lot of them do not get renewed for a second season this is again because of my first point of being attracted to things that have potential .

Well i guess this kinda makes up for a weeks break but not really i will try to post here more often but hey i am a lasy person who enjoys procrastination so when assignments and exam study start stacking up that is when i will  be posting here more as it will be good procrastination.

Slice of kris
btw my livestream is and i will be streaming on it on occasion.

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