Call of duty is on special on steam atm on all it's titles except MW3 this not the reason why i am posting this it just reminded me of how much of a ripoff it is both call of duty black ops and MW 2 are both 89.99usd without the sale. They are a year apart and am fairly sure that all of the MW2 online support will be gone moment MW3 comes out so why is it still the same price as MW3. Wait my mistake MW2 is 10$ cheaper than MW3, this is by far the main reason i hate this franchise it just makes us who do not have a lot of disposable income miss out on these above decent games. Instead play much better games like the battlefield series that drops in price so much faster and does not feel like it is trying to steal from you.
Do not get me wrong i do not hate CoD series for what it has done to the fps genre (only allowed 2 guns)this does annoy me but that is just other publishers trying to make CoD copy's i but this pricing for a "good CoD copy" because it is a CoD game is stupid every year another 100$ for essentially the same game with different skins. if they lowered their price of their games i would feel more inclined to buy their games 99.99 USD vs 39.99pounds which is about 70USD you know where i am going to spend my hard earned money.
I hope this makes you stop being blind but w/e i know your going to by CoD anyway no matter how much they scam you and i am sure i will too.
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