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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Battlefield 3 single player part 1

Warning this game is loud and likes to flash a lot do not play in a dark room with the volume on high unless you are high.

Above are my posts on the the battlefield 3 beta in case you have not read them as I will relate back to them from time to time now the huge change is frostbyte 2.0 engine the rendering on it of facial expressions are fantastic giving the game an air of action movie quality. All though the single player campaign story is not very original it is very fun and looks fantastic the plot follows several key characters so that the player can drive various planes, tanks and Jeeps. Main plot point like call of duty black ops the main protagonist is captured and brought in for integration for information he then explains the events leading up to the first scene of the game which uses a cinema technique called foreshadowing.

shows everything you need to know

Foreshadowing is when they show the first half of a scene in the future of the book, movie or tv show usually at the start of the movie or whatever, this is used as a hook to get the viewer interested in the program . The most annoying thing that bf3 has done is whenever there is any light around specks appear in the same spot on your goggles no matter which character you are playing or using this could of been a great mechanic as dust gathered on the goggles. Since they did not do this it is just plain annoying if there is a way to turn it off I will.

Until next time sports fans I will post screenshot once I have worked how to on origin they do not have greatest way might be able to fraps or hook it up through steam but overlays do not like stacking on each other.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Exciting news for all (Batman)

I am not going to be posting a whole bunch of stuff but then again not a lot of stuff as I kinda have to balance BF3 BATMAN AC and Dungeon Defenders as well as Skyrim on the 11th I want to play all of these games just as much as each other plus pirate kart I showed you guys last week, on top of all this it is exam week at university so I have to not play games and study.

Now for your pleasure here is 3 images of BATMAN!
 Help me I am traped
 Batman box Transform
Cause I'm BATMAN!!!!!!!

End of the line expect reviews by the plenty in the coming weeks all of them in parts and all of them written by that crazy kid me.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Dungeon Defenders initiation part 1

For those of you who do not know the game Dungeon Defenders do not fear I will tell you about it, first thing you need to know is this games was made with the same mind set as magicka  to be played with friends so if you are going to play this game get some friends to get it with you.

Dungeon Defenders is a 4 player co-op tower defence with RPG elements there are 4 starter classes do not believe the difficulty levels they have as they are all wrong but before explaining that let me tell you the 4 starter classes. First is the apprentice who focus's is in building towers and pushing creeps away, next is the squire who specialises in defensive and knock back weapons, 3rd in the series is the ranger who focus is on traps and powerful ranged attacks, lastly there is the monk who's focus is in support or offensive auras. The game lists them from least difficult to most difficult as follows apprentice, squire, ranger, monk this is clearly not the case as the easiest is in fact the squire and the hardest is the apprentice at least they got the ranger in the correct spot it is the third hardest and the monk is the second easiest.

Now I am sorry I cannot explain any gameplay to you yet and that I have no coooooooool screenshots i will update this post with COOOOOOLL!!!! screenshots until then bare your teeth till the next slice of kris which will have gameplay detail reviews of each character preorder awesomeness!! and other fancy things.

p.s stein's gate cool anime

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Pirate Kart

Do you not have enough games to play are triple A games getting boring want something to do for 5 minute before you go to work or even just while at work these game are various games made by independent game makers a lot of them are either made by flash or game maker. 


Now even though they are in a package called the Pirate Kart all of the games here have been voluntarily put up by their authors and are a total of 1.4 gigabytes of games: 

Showing some the scope of the amount of games there are in it

Enjoy the large amount of free games and he does need donations from us to keep the servers running so please give if you feel he deserves it or if you want more people to be able to download this pack of games.

I will post some of the good ones up on this blog if i find any of them till then cya!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Golden joysticks awards 2011

Golden joystick is giving out the awards for this year and the winners are as follows also before that golden joystick are not peer voted by industry they are voted by gamers.

Winner Ultimate Game of the Year: Portal 2

Winner Outstanding Contribution: Sonic

Winner Innovation of Year: Nintendo 3DS 

Winner for One To Watch: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 

Winner for best Shooter: COD: BLOPS (call of duty black ops)

Winner for best Downloadable: Minecraft

Winner for best Free-to-play: League of Legends (expect double ip weekend this weekend or the next one)

Winner for best Music is: Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock 

Winner for best Strategy is: StarCraft II: WOL (wings of liberty)

Winner for best Sports is: FIFA 11

Winner for best Racing is: Gran Turismo 5 

Winner for best Fighting is: Mortal Kombat 

Winner for best MMO is: World of Warcraft (would of though star trek might of pushed ahead but no)

Winner for best RPG is: Fallout New Vegas (bad luck mass effect 2)

Winner for best Mobile game is Angry Birds Rio (shamed to say never beat angry birds)

And the winner for best Action/Adventure is: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Congrats to all the winners you can find all the nominees on their website if your interested you can vote in next year's golden joystick next year and in the next few days they will also post the results on their website kris out!

All your history belong to us!

I found an interesting web series yesterday on Machinima called all your history belong to us and it is about the history or various game developers and publishes from how they started to present time I found this to be entertaining and like when you watch the history channel informative.

Above is the link for the web series they have done mini series's of Bethesda, Blizzard and Rare is going on right now some of these mini series's have interviews with the founding members of the the respective studio's but a lot them do not as they do not want to be on a small web series only fans would watch i recommend you watch this series if you want to know more about your favourite gaming studio or even you favourite game.

I hope you enjoy this series as much as I do till next time.

Thursday, 20 October 2011


I know it has been awhile but this is the last post I am going to make about this game raping up the second half of the game.

The resistance! 

 Mutant do fun jumps

 Nice lighting before a some what epic fight

Reasons why I have not posted this is because I felt I have not played enough to give this review credit and also I have been reading, watching and hearing about reviews what depressed me some of the reviews neglected to see the effort that ID have put into their first game on their new engine. Where they have given up on being an independent game engine making company where they pioneered the first person shooter genre and the games were made just to promote the engine to be sold to other game company's to use. This made the games made by them storyline and gameplay wise quite dull and repetitive which stagnated the their first person shooter genre leading to ID's fall from prominence in the FPS world. The ID engines allowed games like the CoD series to start off. So for the first time in ages RAGE allows ID to to create a game with story, gameplay and mechanics so when people do not play this game out with fully giving it a open mind.

Experimented mutant

Now with the review proportion this review ahh good fun on getting sidetracked easily. The story has shown more about the reasons why we need to fight with the resistance against the authority the faceless evil entity which turns out the leader has been setting his Arc pod people to leave their pod's earlier than the other arc people so that they can conquer the world before they are released which lead to the story going on right now. They also then captured all the other arc survivor who are not with them and possibly killed them or converted them they also created the mutants to create fear on the survivors which means that the mutants were not spawned because of the meteorite hitting the Earth to keep them in fear so they can control them.

Cruelty of humans in this ravaged world

Will now sidetrack again BECAUSE I CAN a lot of game reviewers companied that their were two compulsory races when driving is one of the main gimmicks and mechanics of the game and was not at all hard when you play the optional races so you can get racing certificates to upgrade your car. Which leads to my next point money is completely pointless as you never run out if you pick up items and sell them even then you do not need to as I tend to have an over abundance of money anyway. Now I have been told that this game is a first person shooter action rpg but the only rpg element this game has is that the character you play has no voice when he should so that you can personify your identity on to him but as you have not a lot of options when you go into levels you can only kill people you cannot go stealthy or avoid confrontation. Compare this to elder scrolls where you can have any type of role playing game you want to from passive wander to outlaw so i reject the notion that this a rpg but is just an fps with an in depth plot.

My boomstick likes this scenery

I have now rapped this review up i hope this last review has been slightly more engaging than usual till next time slice of kris followers.

Yes this brown shooter has some green

p.s When I play this game I made the protagonist has duke Nukem's voice

Friday, 14 October 2011

RAGEING ABOUT RAGE! 3 Screenshot edition

Yes I know there is no 'e' in raging made the title look better.

King kong's speedway

Just an interesting web series i think you should go check out good episode this week.

Today i did not play enough to have full review so just pictures with tag lines hope you enjoy.

I am just scared there is a gun in that arm 
Sure looks inviting

Stop clowning around 
Stupid Monkey! 
They drew the pokeball wrong 
Must be an old wall 
Roll it Jeeves 
self explanatory 
The Kracken 
 Very cool eye effects
Thankyou well masters 
This guy is offensive to Australian sterotypes 
Nothing going on here 
I do not know why but I love this statue 
 So pretty
No idea why I took this screenshot but here it is 
I am sure this picture has some signification in this game seen it a few times  
Sure is the history of this place 
Lighting in this game is fantastic
I am so going to enter 
I am sure this picture has some signification in this game seen it a few times 
 He is driving RC cars like a Baus
Let's get ready to rumble! 
Doctor Robot man 
Lighting effects in this game is fantastic 
Things they do before they are alerted to your presence 
Floating platform was great 

Well that's it for the screenshot post of this game there are a lot more cool things to see and I will post them.

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Yes I know there is no 'e' in raging made the title look better.

 Out to lunch this is why I love this game

As promised  MORE RAGE! I got to explore the "open world" there are some nice thing to see I am going to post a post with this one and it be full of images from the game with captions under them like I have been doing but it is hard to type my review and have a lot of images. I will possibly save this for the end of this review series of all the cool things I have found like in the town there are a bunch of small things like the above picture which you can only see by going to his shop before you go and see the mayor.

You do not see back alleys like this every day

In this town there is also the beginner races, shops, dice game and a card game made for this game where you pick the cards in your deck before you start and you decide which cards to use out of 100 points. Throughout the world their are floating spy bots from the authority that you can get very easily by doing a jump and crashing into them very easy thing to do but fun way to show where small secrets are.

I am so good at driving I am on fire!

Now to the main point for this day's review or RAGE is how fleshed out the character design is unfortunately did see a few towns folk with same clothes and face but each person has their own route they walk around town unless they are a designated npc that sells you stuff or gives you a quest. This gave this game a very rpg feel close to oblivion standards with each person having a small bit of dialogue, just look at the picture below and how much time went into making his costume for a guy most people will just not ever talk to. Side bar look at the clouds in the picture above they are amazing.

When did Jimmy Hendricks star in this game

I know today's review is not as fleshed out as yesterday's review this is because I wrote this 1 hour after the first one and I had not played a lot more of the game but I felt there were a few more things I need to say before I continue reviewing the game. Expect next part soon I should be going into the city and getting the bulk of the side quest's done and remember facebook is not a book made out of face's and slice's of kris are made from me.


Yes I know there is no 'e' in raging made the title look better.

yep it has bullets I think this sniper rifle will kill people

My copy of RAGE came today way more fun than expected and I expected a lot of fun made by ID who made Quake, Doom and modernised the fps genre published by Bethesda who can do no wrong no matter how hard they try yes, I am ignoring the existence of HUNTED (apparently that was a bad game but never I purchased it or played it so who cares). RAGE is set in post apocalyptic future by meteor so fuck you nuclear fallout there are other ways the world will end. This was an expected event because they saw the giant rock coming! but they had no way on stopping it(I assume they at least tried I hope). The people then decided to put special humans underground and infuse them with nanobots so when the world comes back to life they can be there to help re-establish society. This was all done in a short 5 minuet clip at the start of the game, by watching giant rock go past Jupiter and the meteor belt then crash through the moon to hit Earth with a voice over explaining some things in the background. After playing the fallout games and reading sci-fi about nuclear fallout you get it in your head that this will be the only way good old mother Earth is going to end so I really enjoyed watching this. 106 years or so later you wake up and all your other arc humans (as they are called)are dead in your underground pod but do not fear there are other arc pods out there maybe some of your friends survived.

I am sorry jenny I think I just killed Tommy

I love this game from it's simplistic point and shoot mechanics to the slightly retarded AI this game is wonderful and exactly want I wanted to play it has some of the best art deign and when you go into a level it tells you a story. Not one of the things on the wall is the same thing copy and pasted from various other levels from what I have found so far, even every step you take has a different sound depending on what you are walking on I know this is a small thing but it really immerses you in the game. talking about immersion the non-interrupted AI act like normal humans, for example I was sneaking up to kill some guys and they started talking about a tv show they watched the other night. This made me for a second not want to kill them but of course I did it anyway because it was fun and just in the next room there was a guy sweeping up this is not stuff you find in every fps you play most of the time they just say "What was that?" and "Get him!".

Just Sweeping up where my dead body will be

Now I have to warn you this game's is graphics are advanced so unless you have a good card and not an ATI card you most probably will not be able to run it smoothly as there has been some vertical sync issues where when your frame rate drops below refresh rate you get freezes and other bad things. I did not have these problems with my computer but to be fair my computer is boss they did bring out a patch that was meant to fix a lot of these issues for ATI cards but I cannot say for sure.

Roar my teeth are bullets!

I will be bringing out more reviews of this game as I play it expect next week for me to talk more about the story line the cars and hopefully hidden secrets if I can find some and of course SCREENSHOT! I hope you like them also like my Facebook page it is feeling a bit neglected like a the lonely last slice of kris you just could not eat so you put in the fridge for latter and forgot about it.