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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Limbo (cause of steam sale)

If you have not played or purchased Limbo it was on sale on steam on 27/11/2011 so get it if you can if not just watch a lets play of it you will understand it and feel same satisfaction of playing it.

Limbo is a game by independent developer Playdead I think they are French if I can remember correctly now before I played this game I had heard that it was an interesting take on a platformer style game and was meant to be hard and frustrating at some points. This did not happen to me only thing that frustrated me was occasionally  the controls would be annoying like he would do a 2 jumps instead of one big one or vice versa other than that I beat they game very fast and without little hiccups.

Now on to the good stuff although it was a short game it was compelling and made me want to keep playing from luring a spider onto a trap to deceiving kids to traps without as much as the kid looking back just kept heading right, RIGHT TO THE END. How I solved every puzzle was deliberately do the wrong thing to understand how the trap works then on next life do it so you do not die only on a few of the puzzles I died more than once and on those ones it was because it required timing which has never been my strong suit which I why I suck at all Mario games even the easy ones. The sound in the game correctly matches what is happening in the environment the control even though annoying still work perfectly with simple button to use button to jump and left and right. The artistic theme of using black and white with some shades of Gray this hides some of the trap to get a cheep jump and to make sure you keep an eye on your surroundings without needing a bright YELLOW dodge this or go here hint system.

There are three sections to each area first is the explore and puzzle solving next is the escape the area requiring you to be constantly moving and being extremely aware of your surrounding then finally killing something that is trying to stop your progress or your boss fight. Although you can only notice this if your paying attention and constantly review the game as you play like I do or notice it in hindsight like most people most do, and yes this is the same thing all games do it is also the same in movies it is called the three part system in it's base form it is setting, problem and solution they usually then follow it up with a small resolution but not everything has this.

I do recommend you play this game if you want something different from just blindly shooting guys or stabbing people or bashing in zombie brains but if you have the extra 15$ get portal 2 much better puzzle game but it has more humour in it and PORTALS and LASORS what more could you want a jet-pack well to bad!.

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