Now mine and my friends experience of the game has not gotten off on the right foot as for about the first twenty times we tried to play the game we got errors before we even connected and entered the game world luckily for me my computer is not sh@t and I got to play on servers while he tried to fix his game. In this time I learnt a lot of the controls how to avoid zombies how to lose zombie and extremely high luck at finding guns. Of course this took me several deaths to achieve which he had yet to get from my experience I learnt five valuable lessons!
1. Press G to open your gear and items on the ground.
2. You can only use items on the right hand side of your gear menu the left hand side is for dropping and picking stuff up.
3. If a zombie sees you run on grass and around objects there path finding skill is not the greatest and they get lost easily
4. Zombies cheat if at all possible shoot them from a far or they will teleport around you as you try to shoot them.
5. No matter how much you want to use that sexy axe in the stump it will not come out
I hope to maybe release another Day Z report as I get better and more acclimated to my environment and as my zombie survival skills improve till next time check your six there is a zombie there!