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Sunday 29 September 2013

End of Bad

This blog thing of mine is just sitting around so might as well use it.

Breaking Bad ended today with the second best episode of the series first best being the one just before it, with no ambiguous endings like Lost or a let down like the Sopranos, Breaking Bad ended perfectly tie up all the loose ends like a final episode should. In all previous Heisenberg moments Walter had his hat on and made simple mistakes because he lost control to his emotions, but in his final moment instead of an alter ego taking over to do the stunts he preformed them himself to perfection with a calm mind and voice to the last moment of life with no more regrets(pity it did not have a half-faced man walking out adjusting his tie and falling over dead).
Cheers Breaking Bad for a great five and a half years time to queue the tons of spoiler casts from nerds around the globe.